
Monday 30 April 2018

Behaviour of matter - expansion

In a solid the particles are close together.
In a liquid the particles are slightly further apart.
In a gas the particles are spread out, away from each other.

To help make the particles spread we can add energy ( heat). The extra energy gives the energy of the particles more power, there fore making them spread out. We can also stir the particles to break them up.

When the particles are heated, they begin to move around more and the space between the particles increases, causing the substance to expand. The diagram below shows the effect of heat on the particles of a solid substance. notice the particles are vibrating more. because of this, they are bumping into each other and the distance between the particles increases.
When you heat up particles what happens to them? The particles move and bump into each other, creating more space between them.
What happens to the size of the particles? They stay the same.
What happens to the space between them? More space is created due to the vibration of the particles.
What happens to the size of the substance? It expands due to the space between the particles increases.

Aim: to observe contracting liquids and gasses.
Equipment: Aluminium can, scissor tongs, Bunsen burner, heat proof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water.

1. set up a Bunsen burner underneath a tripod and gauze mat, on top of a heat proof mat.
2. pour about 50-60 mls of water into the can.
3. heat the can until steam is escaping from the top. careful lift with scissor tongs.
4.  quickly flip the can of hot water upside down into the open water container with scissor tongs.

 We set up the experiment. we filled the can partially with water and waited...
 The water in the can started to boil. The can became shaking with the water boiling vigorously inside.

We transferred the can, top down, into cold water. It contracted and made a loud noise.

Describe the effects of heat on...
1. the movement of particles. The particles had more room to move after the can was heated.
2.the size of particles. the size of the particles didn't  change.
3. the space between particles The particles moved apart
4. the size of the substance. the can grew a little when heated and contracted wen introduced to the cold water.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Don't run with a knife in your hand!

This slideshow is about staying safe in the kitchen. I have worked with Anne and Loshane. They are both very hard workers and I would be happy to create a project with them again.
What have we been learning: Health and safety in the kitchen.
How does this show my learning: We have identified potential hazards and how to avoid them.
Next time we could improve on: Adding more comedy, I think that could be how we sell our lessons. We could also improve on participation because one team member didn't do anything ( name not present).Contribution and participation are the foundations for a great team.
I am wondering: Why people don't use common sense and run with knives, it happens!

Word vommit

Hundreds of lifeless corpses litter the ground, their smashed up parts everywhere.
One by one the bodies are lifted up and disposed of, their dignity died with them.
“What the hell Bob!” Jerry shouted as the watermelons rolled out of the yellow van.
“Im sorry Jerry, I didn’t know You forgot to put in the stopper”
“ Don't make this about me Bob, this is your mistake” “ I hate you Jerry!”
“ I hate you Bob”. Just like the watermelons, Bob and Jerry’s friendship has been smashed to pieces.
They start to pick up the melons and put them in the rubbish, there is no use for them now.
Will Bob and Jerry’s friendship be fixed?

114 words

Monday 9 April 2018


Observing diffusing.

We completed an experiment to observe diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of particles from high areas of concentration to an area of low concentration, until the concentration is equal.

1. Half fill your petri dish with water.
2. place the dish on your bench and let the water settle.
3. using tweezers, place a single crystal of potassium permanganate into the water.
4. observe for five minutes
5. repeat using hot water.

Cold water: The purple colour slowly spread through the water, by five minutes the purple took up 25% of the water's area.

Hot water: The crystals colour spread much faster than in cold water. By five minutes it took up an estimated 60%-70% of the waters area.

Wednesday 4 April 2018


We are learning to: Describe a character you disliked /admired in the text. Explain how your feelings to this character helped you understand this text as a whole.
How does this show my learning: I have written about how the character ‘Via’ makes me understand how the plotlines of ‘wonder’ unfold.
I could improve on: my vocabulary.
I am wondering: Where did RJ Palacio get the inspiration for the character ‘Via’.

‘Wonder’ is full of amazing characters and plot lines, one character I admired was Via. The character of Via helps ground your perspective and offers many points of the story we can all identify with. Via’s complicated relationships with people show how quickly things can change, for better or worse; and how we deal with the changes can affect us. The choices we make can determine how we feel about things. Via is a role model and helps us to find the strength to deal with challenges.

August is the sun, Me Mum and Dad are the planets orbiting the sun. The rest of our family and friends are the asteroids and comets orbiting the planets orbiting the sun.’ Is the first line of page 101. The quote explains how the dynamics of her family work, August needs all the attention and she sits back and deals with her issues. This quote also explains that we need to focus on the bigger picture and not let little things get to us. In Via’s family, everything revolves around August.

‘Miranda and Ella blasted off. They attached themselves to a new crowd destined for high school glory. After a week of painful lunches where all they would do is talk about people who didn’t interest me, I decided to make a clean break for it. They asked no questions, I told no lies. We just went our separate ways’. Through Via we can see how quickly friendships can drift apart. People change and we have no control over how people grow and develop. All we can do is make the best of the situation and make new friends. Via creates new relationships and moves on with her life, encouraging us to do the same. Via is fiercely protective of August, standing up for him and looking after him. RJ Palacio has created a character who grounds us in the story of ‘wonder’ through relate-able challenges and ever changing friendships.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Wonder reveiw

This is me ( plan)

We have been asked to make up a character to portray when we preform ' this is me' from the greatest showman.

Our dance is coming together very nicely and everything is pretty polished ( other than me). I am  a little worried about dancing in front of people because free style I look like a headless chicken (trust me!). For my character I am going to wear something based on a Victorian era peasant.  The most likely thing ill do is create a messy blouse and skirt to wear, maybe a corset type thing, I hope that's not too hard. I am really looking forward to the finished product.\

Here are some of my ideas for the costume.

Good luck to me!


This was the last week of these questions. During the last few chapters heaps of interesting plot lines occurred. I really enjoyed 'wonder' and would recommend it.
What have we been learning: To use information from the text to answer detailed questions.
How does this show my learning: I have used what I have read to answer these questions.
How could I improve: I could incorporate my own experiences into my answers.
I am wondering: What encouraged R.J. Palacio to write 'wonder'.

Explain August’s fears of going to camp. August was worried about staying away from home because he had never been away for a night without his parents. He was also worried that Julian would tease him because he isn’t the most compassionate person.Were they justified? Yes, your first sleep over is a milestone and Julian was a genuine concern.

Compare Eddie and Julian, how are they similar/ different? Julian and Eddie are similar because they enjoy bullying August about his appearance. They are different ages and go to different schools.How do their interactions with August give away their personality? The way they communicate with August proves they enjoy the pain of others.

Explain how August’s relationships have changed with his classmates over this year. August has gone from the ‘weird one’ to a friend of most people in his class. After the incident with Eddie and his gang everyone has been saying hi and being friends with him.

Describe how August has shown greatness at Beecher prep. August has overcome the difficulties of bullies and people who don’t like him whilst also achieving high grades. He has shown that a books cover isn’t everything. Do you think he deserves the medal? Yes I do, he has shown resilience when people are putting him down and he has shown the ability to forgive.

Compare Auggie at the beginning of the book to how he is in the final chapters. August started out shy, timid and nervous. He was easily pushed around by bullies. By the end of the book he and his friends can overcome anything. He has gone from shy to a confident young person. What has contributed to his change? Being at public school has helped his problem solving skills. He has also made friends who support and care for him.

Describe your favourite character in the book. My favourite character is Via because I can identify with her. What was her impact on the story? Because she is August’s sister she cares about him and offers support. During her chapter she talks about things that most people can identify with, good or bad.

This story explores lots of themes. Create a brainstorm to show how ‘wonder’ has told stories with these themes.

What do you think August future holds? I think August will face tougher challenges and overcome them. I think he could be a great scientist one day.


I have created a comic page about my favourite moment in the book 'wonder'. I chose the part where Jack punches Julian. I like this part because Jack is standing up for his friend and redeeming himself, plus I don't like Julian so win win.
What have we been learning: To use information from a text to complete activities.
How does this show my learning: I have used a chapter of text to make my comic.
What could I improve on: My drawing skills, they need work.
I am wondering: how comic artists deal with the stress of keeping their characters consistent.

Don't mind my table :).