
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Fancy a scone

Yesterday 27/2/18 we made scones in home ec. We achieved all we needed to and made no mistakes. We are very happy with our results and how well we worked. We had our scones cooked before most people had them cooking. I worked with Kaela, Dylan and Tanaya. Next time we could be more efficient and use less dishes or we could communicate more to make tasks easier. I served mine with jam and tea :).

Afternoon tea goals :)

Monday 26 February 2018

Don't judge a book by its cover

This is the second task in my 'wonder' novel study. I have enjoyed doing these tasks and I have really enjoyed the book. Next time I would add even more information and include my own feelings.

Star wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is?
I think many kids like star wars ( boys and girls) because it is a very interesting franchise with lots of elements that may attract your attention.
Do you see any reason for Auggie to identify with these characters or aspire to be like them? In star wars there are many characters who are inhuman but they are still awesome and play an important role in the narrative,
it makes sense to aspire to be like these characters because they have admiral qualities.
 I have only watched the first trilogy plus the force awakens so don’t get mad if I get things wrong :).

What questions did Julian ask and why did Auggie want to slide under the desk?
Julian asked if Auggie had been in a house fire or something because of his face, these questions made Auggie feel conscience and embarrassed.
Why did Julian ask those questions?
Julian asked those questions because he was curious, not away that they would cause embarrassment.

Mrs Browne’s september precept was ‘when given the choice to be right or kind, choose kind’ do you agree with this precept?
I agree that you should always be kind, kindness is important to maintain bonds with other people.

In the chapter one to ten Auggie explains that he is mad at his mother but he is not sure why, why do you think he is mad?
He may be mad because she keeps asking him questions he doesn’t want to answer.

August invited his whole class to his birthday party but only a few came.
Why did only some kids go to the party?
I think only a few kids went because they don’t really like Auggie because he doesn’t look like everybody else (which is wrong).

Auggie says he has an aversion to getting his photo taken, what does aversion mean?
Aversion means a strong dislike/fear.
Why does Auggie have an aversion to getting his picture taken?
I think it is because he thinks that it causes more attention to be drawn to his face, he feels very self conscious about his appearance.

Why does no-one want to touch August?
Nobody wants to touch him because they made up a game called ‘the plague’ which is like the cheese touch ( diary of a wimpy kid).
How does this make August feel? It makes him feel discarded an alone.

Did your opinion of Jack Will change after Auggie overheard him talking to Julian?
Not really, kids can say things that hurt people when they don’t really mean it.

Do you think August will go back to school? Predict the future. I know he will because I have finished the book.

This shows my learning by: Making me read between the lines and add my own opinions.

Don't forget your roots my friend

A coat of arms is important because it represents your family and what you stand for. This is my coat of arms, based on the English/Scottish coat of arms for the 'Drever'  family, of course I made it more suitable to my family

This is the one I made.

This is the original.
As you can see, I have replaced a few aspects to make the coat of arms more in tune with my New Zealand culture. I have replaced the flowers with a white ko whai whai design made up of koru which represent new life. I also replaced the griffins with kiwi, because they are New Zealand's national bird. I also added a silver fern at the bottom because they represent new starts and how New Zealand  is famous for its forests.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Stir it up

L.O: Demontrate what you know about hygiene.
Yesterday 20/2/18 we created chicken stir fry. I worked with Kaela and Tanaya. I think we did well and we were happy with the results. Next time we would cut everything smaller. We also had some hold ups in the form of stretched ability in cutting. In our stir fry we used carrot, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, noodles and lots of sauces. We ended up making far too much and we gave some to the teacher. The point of cooking with chicken was to learn how to cook chicken correctly to avoid food poisoning. We experimented with different flavors and veggies. We were very proud of our work, it was delicious.

During the cooking process there are many steps to maintaining health and safety. Before you start cooking you must wash your hands, put on an apron and tie long hair up. Whilst cooking you must put things away, put scraps in the bin and clean up as you go. After cooking you should clean up and do the dishes. Remember to clean all surfaces after cooking. Thanks for reading and happy cooking!

I wonder

On monday we were all given a copy of the book ‘wonder’. I would highly recommend reading ‘wonder’ because the author has done a great job at creating different personalities and characters. Warning, spoilers ahead. We were given some questions to answer using the information we have read in the book.

What was August’s one wish he wanted?
Throughout the entire book August wanted to look normal and blend in with everyone else.
If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?
Like most teenage girls I critique the living daylights out of my appearance but if I could change one thing I would like to have an even skin tone because I have really red cheeks and dark circles under my eyes,
I chose this because I can not otherwise change it.

What does it mean to be ordinary?
Being ordinary is being able to blend in and stay in the background.
Why Is August extraordinary?
August is extraordinary because he doesn't look like other people and he thinks that makes him a target for unwanted attention.
I believe being normal is overrated.

How do people react when they see August’s face for the first time?
Most people were shocked when they saw his face.
How would you react?
I would like to think I would hide my surprise and try my best to be nice because your appearance isn’t your only good trait.

August’s Dad said ‘sending Auggie to school is like sending a lamb to a slaughter house’ what does this mean? August’s dad used this metaphor because like a lamb August is going willingly to a bad situation without realising it.

Would you send August to school if you were one of his parents? I would send him to school because it would teach him to deal with other people. This will be a valuable life skill.

What white lie did Auggie’s mum tell him? She said she was giving him an iq test but it was an entrance exam.Why did she do it? Because he wouldn’t have agreed to take it if he knew Are white lies ok? Even though you are trying to spare someone's feelings it is still lying.

August said he liked ms. garcia when she wasn’t wearing her shiny smile, what is a shiny smile?A shiny smile is a fake smile you put on.

How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he is a bully? He could tell by Julians behaviour. How did Julian bully Auggie? He was not hanging out with him and teasing him. He also started the ‘plague’. How did Auggie respond? August made his own group of friends.

What am I learning? Through this task I have used strategies like remembering and adding my feelings into the questions.
This shows my learning by answering different questions and coming up with my own theorys.

Its heating up in here

Home economics 

On Tuesday afternoon we made a practical in home ec. We had no prior introduction to the room but we did pretty well.

We created savory cases which are spaghetti, cheese and ham inside a toast case. They were really fun to make and they tasted great.
The students I cooked with are Kaela, Tanaia and Dylan. We are proud of they way we worked together and we had our cases cooked and dishes clean very quickly. Next time we would improve how we worked and I believe we will do better next time because we know where everything is.

Here are some of the photos.


You will need:
One bread board
One meat board ( if you are using ham)
A butter knife
A serrated knife
A muffin tin

Two pieces of bread
Two TBSP spaghetti/baked beans/creamed corn
Cheese ( grated).

Preheat oven to 180 degrees fan bake.
Cut the crusts of the bread and butter one side.
Put the bread butter side down in a muffin tin.
Press down bread.
Fill with your choice of toppings.
Sprinkle on the cheese.
Bake for about ten minutes until the cheese is melted and the bread is toasted.
Let the cases cool in the tray for a few minutes and transfer them to a wire rack.

Be safe guys

In tec we have been learning about the different types of safety signs.

The yellow signs are hazard signs, the illustration tells you what the hazard is. If you come across a hazard there are three things you can do, you can isolate it by putting cones or a barricade around it, you can eliminate the hazard or you can isolate it and put up a hazard sign.
The blue signs are mandatory signs, you must obey the blue signs to stay safe in a work place, whether it be wearing safety glasses to Steele capped boots. These signs are for your own safety so pay attention to them.
The green signs tell you where the nearest exits are for when there is an emergency. They save you and many others from running around like a headless chicken looking for the exit. They also help eliminate other risks such as people running into each other.

The white circle signs with the red outline and cross through the centre are prohibition signs. You must not do what these signs are asking you not to or you / someone else may be in serious harm in a result to disobeying the prohibition signs.
I have created a hazard sign for the workshop. This is a hazard sign ( hard to see the yellow, sorry). The hazard depicted is someones hair getting caught in some machinery. To eliminate this hazard, tie back long hair and keep it out of the way.
To be safe in a workplace you must obey the safety signs. Now you know what these signs are, be safe! not just in a work place, but everywhere.

This vs That

This song is written For millions of children in america who go missing or get stolen and has never been found,Runaway train means uncontrollable or unstoppable.the close ups in the video may represent being trapped and the part where the boy is running could represent breaking free of your capture. the term run away train mean something that goes off its designated path to a new path it has created

Call you up in the middle of the night like a firefly without a light (unseen and fast gone)

Seems no one can help me now im in to deep theres no way out ( There is no way out of a situation where you have been metaphorically captured.

run away train never going back means people are unstoppable to do what they want and not set any freedom to the victims and runaway their feelings.

wrong way on a one way track, going the wrong way about issues and feelings.

perhaps the many images pilled on top of each other to create confusion like how the people who care abot these children are feeling confused and worried.

Prehaps they think running away is better for them facing the pain throughout their problems.

runaway train tearing up the track means there is no way back.

the mother chasing after her child symbolises how the families are chasing answers.

I dislike this song because its all about forgiveness for his own doings
Not knowing how to say it in person but through words.

Made alot of mistakes and dont know how to fix them this song is all about love.

this song has no emotion and doesent sound like he means it.

am I too late now to say sorry if he has made a couple of hundred mistakes of couse she wont forgive him.

In the last week, during music class, we have been looking more in depth to our favourite songs. I worked with Kaela and together we analyzed ‘runaway train’ by soul asylum as a meaningful song we could decipher.
We also analyzed ‘sorry’ because we both don’t like the song. We were learning how to use video notes to take notes and make summaries.I think we did well and we have learnt some really interesting things about both of those songs. I am wondering what inspired them to make those songs.

What worked: Video notes was easy to work with and take notes.
What didn’t work: For the majority of this task we had to share a chromebook because mine wouldn’t connect.
What I would change: Next time I would use my own chromebook because it is much easier.

Monday 12 February 2018

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