
Thursday 19 September 2019

Diet related health issues

This week in home ec, we have been asked to research three diet related health issues and show some information about them. I chose to put this work on my blog because I find this topic really interesting.
We are learning: About our food culture and how it is influenced.
How this shows my learning: health is a big influence in choosing what we eat, here are some illnesses that could occur because of our food choices.

Obesity affects one in three New Zealand adults. Obesity is when somebody has a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or over. Being obese can make it difficult to do many things, walk ( the strain on the joints due to excess weight can be debilitating), normal eating patterns ( obesity is caused by a great excess of food, resulting in astonishing weight gain) and even thing as simple as sitting on a chair ( some need especially designed chairs to handle the weight and the size). Living with obesity would be extremely hard, having to have things specially designed for you, the food bill would be outrageous, and relationships with others could be hard.
Obesity can be fixed by smaller portions of healthy food and exercise. Losing this excess weight would take time but cutting out excess sugar and fat, exercising and eating smaller portions can make it possible.

Cholesterol related heart disease:

We have two types of cholesterol in our bodies, LDL ( low density liptoproteins) and HDL (high density liptoproteins).  Cholesterol is a waxy-fatty substance made in your liver which travels through your bloodstream. Cholesterol is very important for making new cells. LDL cholesterol is the dangerous cholesterol, it can build up in your arteries and cause blockages, resulting in strokes and heart disease. HDL helps break down LDL in the arteries and sends it back to the liver to be broken down. Diet and exercise play a big part in your LDL cholesterol levels. Eating foods high in saturated fat ( found in animal products) and trans fats will increase the amount of LDL in your body.
Exercise helps boost your body's HDL, or "good," cholesterol while increasing the size of the particles that make up your LDL, or "bad," cholesterol, which makes it less harmful.
Eating a diet low in saturated fat and high in healthy fat (olive oil, fish, nuts ect) can help lower your LDL levles and raise your HDL levels.

Strokes occur when blood supply to the brain is cut off.
There are two main types of strokes. Ischaemic stroke: Blockage strokes and Hemorrhagic stroke: rupture strokes Ischaemic strokes are the most common, usually caused by a build up of fat (LDL) in the blood vessels. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused when a blood vessel bursts.
smoking, old age, poor diet, lack of exercise.
Fix: If you have a stroke, once you get discharged from the hospital, you will be perscribed medication for life. If you havent had a stroke, the best way to prevent one is to; not smoke, eat healthy foods, exercise.

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