
Monday 21 May 2018


:a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Communism in New Zealand: Gloriavale.
Gloriavale was founded in 1969  by Neville Cooper, an Australian born evangelist who was invited to preach in New Zealand. He founded what would become spring bank christian community near Christchurch. When the comunity grew so much that there wasn't enough space in the property the moved to the west coast. They named their new property Gloriavale and established Gloriavale christian community

Where did communism begin? The Communism Manifesto published by german philosophers Karl Marx and Frederic Engels in 1848.
Who was the father of communism? Karl Marx and Frederic Engels.

Main points.
1. Equal salary
2. No currency
3. Equal food
4. Same clothing
5. Equal distribution of wealth.

Communism is about all needs being met by the government and everyone being equal.It was proposed to eliminate class envy. 

Friday 18 May 2018


LO: describe a key moment that shocked or surprised you in the written test. Explain how this moment is important to the text as a whole.
How does this show my learning: I have created an essay about an event in the book which shocks audiences and how it changes the text as a whole.
How could I improve: I could improve in my vocabulary.
I am wondering: Why was this part included by the author.

‘When given the choice between being right or kind, choose kind’ a quote appearing in ‘wonder’ by RJ palacio asking whether you would do something to benefit yourself or others; Miranda chose kind when she gave up her lead roll so Via could claim the spotlight. This moment shocked readers due to the fact Miranda, up to this point, had been a reasonably selfish character. The moment was unexpected and changed our view of Miranda as a character.

Throughout ‘wonder’ Via and Miranda’s friendship had been shaky and withering, the moment Miranda faked a sickness to give Via the lead roll surprised us and confirmed their friendship still existed. During the summer break Miranda delebritly failed to keep in contact with Via, stretching their friendship to almost non existent. Via was very upset her life long friend had abandoned her. When Miranda saw Via’s family, she selflessly faked a sickness, even though she would get in trouble, to let Via shine in front of her family. Miranda’s reasoning was ‘she had nobody to applaud her, Via did’ and decided it would be a better choice for Via to have her roll. Their friendship had changed once again.

Similar to the sudden change of heart Miranda had, another character had gone through a similar dilemah. When Jack punches Julian we think of the similarities in the two events. They both are a friend choosing an action which benefits others over themselves. Miranda wanted to keep the lead roll, bath in the spotlight and hear the applause directed at her, just like how Jack wanted to be popular. Both character’s friendships were challenged but overcome, making us believe friendships do heal. Miranda was Via’s life long friend, the shift of tides made us pity Via and dislike Miranda. When Miranda demonstrated a selfless deed in benefit to Via, our view changed and we thought of her as still Via’s friend.

Miranda and Via had been friends for a very long time. Their friendship started at kindergarten, sparking years of memories and moments. When Miranda didn’t contact Via after she got back from camp we felt betrayed for Via. Her best friend didn’t even bother to talk to her. Our view changed completely when we read Miranda’s section of the book. We are taught why she didn’t contact Via, her thought process when she faked being sick and how Via was still very important to her. Their friendship was going to live on.

Miranda’s selfless act changed our view of her as a character. She had developed from best friend to acquaintance and back again. We felt relieved and excited when Miranda demonstrated how she still values Via’s friendship and how she risked getting in trouble to let Via shine in the lead role. A friendship was mended an a character was redeemed. In this instance, Miranda chose kind.

Tuesday 15 May 2018


I am learning: About how different countries have different forms of government. I am also learning about dictators.

Here are some characteristics of a dictator.

Adolf Hitler: The man responsible for leading Germany into war with the world.
Fidel  Castro: A revolutionary communist who governed Cuba.
Pol pot: a dictator of Cambodia.

All in common how: they used their power to accomplish their own wants. They were all horrible people.

Dictators are horrible, greedy people who use their power for their own wants. Dictators abuse their power and control of there country; Adolf Hitler used his power to abolish a race of people for no real reason other than his ideology. Jews were hunted down, put in concentration camps and killed , innocent people executed for no real reason. Dictators can be horrible selfish people who abuse their power and hurt others.

Monday 14 May 2018

Baby you can't drive my car

What am I learning: About the change of legal driving ages.
How does this show my learning: I have researched and found out the answers.
I could improve on: adding more quotes.
I am wondering: Did the law change make a huge difference.

Why did New Zealand change the driving age from 15 to 16?
The road toll for 15 to 17 year olds was extremely high which helped the government raise the legal age for someone to get a learner driving licence. The change in age requirement is an attempt to make roads safer, not just for teens but for everyone. "Raising the licence age from 15 to 16, and measures to enable the restricted driving test to be strengthened reflect the disproportionate number of fatal and serious crashes involving young people," Transport Minister Steven Joyce said.

When did the law change?
The law was put into practice on the first of August 2011.

How did they change the legal age?

This move to change the legal minimum age of learner drivers required a law change. The government first gathered support form the act and Maori parties.After many debates and cases put forward the government changed the law.


Lo: lern that countries are run by different types of government.
How does this show my learning: I have created a paragraph about the government we use here in New Zealand.
I could improve on: Adding more interesting language features.
I am wondering: who came up with the MMP.

The mixed member proportional style of government is made up of different parties. It was first introduced in 1996 after a referendum to change the voting system in 1993. People have two votes, one for their preferred party and the second for the member of parliament to represent your area. Anyone age 18 and over have the right to vote. There are 120 seats in parliament. If 40% of our votes are for a certain party they are entitled to 40% of the seats in parliament. If a party has less than 5% of the votes they aren’t entitled to any seats. Other countries that use the MMP system are Bolivia, Germany,Lesotho, UK, Scotland and Wales.

Wednesday 9 May 2018


Here is a venn diagram comparing the movie 'wonder' to the book.
I enjoyed comparing the two versions of the story to see the differences. I found both versions really enjoyable and would recommend them. If you can think of other differences write them in a comment below.
What am I learning: How to create a venn diagram to compare two things.
How does this show my learning: I have created a venn diagram comparing the book to the movie.
I would improve on: The neatness of my diagram, it is quite messy.
I am wondering: Why the people who made the movie made those changes.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

I will rule! Or not.

Here is a mindmup I have created about Monarchy's. I have learnt about how they work and how much power the monarchs have in different countries. I hope you learn something new.

What am I learning: About the different forms of government.
How does this show my learning: I have created a dlo about monarchy's.
How could I improve: by not repeating information.
I am wondering: What would it be like to live in a country were the leader isn't elected.

Friday 4 May 2018


This week for music we were given four songs preformed by maori artists. Maori music is unique and very interesting to listen to, in my opinion.

We are learning:
How does this show my learning:
What could I improve on:
I am wondering:


Who preformed this? Stan Walker, Ria Hall, Troy Kingi, Maisy Rika.
Why did they create this? They created this song for maori language week 2014, Aotearoa is a beautiful country and it deserves to be celebrated.
what did you like about the song? I like how it is very catchy.
what did you like about the video? How there are many shots of New Zealand's beutiful scenary.
Translation from some of the lyrics? E Ihowā Atua,
O ngā iwi mātou rā
Āta whakarangona;
Me aroha noa
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

. O Lord, God,
Of all people
Listen to us,
Cherish us
May good flourish,
May your blessings flow
Defend Aotearoa


Who preformed this? Modern Maori quaret
 Why did they create this? The song is about the supreme goddess of the twelfth heaven, the artists created the song because they were all raised by strong women who should be appreciated.
what did you like about the song? The change in pitch and pace, it kept me interested.
what did you like about the video? How they all looked like they enjoyed singing
Translation from some of the lyrics?
He ātua he tipua
Ngā pou ō to tātou āo
An idol is a goddess Our posts are


Who preformed this? Maimoa ( and twelve others)
Why did they create this? Wairua is a song encouraging ones belief in their natural instinct or spirit, we call 'wairua'. At times of adversity and hardship, it's that very natural instinct that will direct you. It's by trusting in that 'wairua' you will reach your full potential, so let your 'wairua' soar...
what did you like about the song? The song is stuck in my head.
what did you like about the video? The different people were eye catching.
Translation from some of the lyrics?
Te wairua tukuna ki te au
Te wairua tukuna kiarere
Te wairua te wairua hemawhaka aue
Waihoa ma wairua koe e kaue

The spirit sent to me
The spirit sends instant messages
The spirit is the shattering spirit
Make a living with your friends
Who preformed this? Rob Rua
Why did they create this? .To share what life is like in new zealand. This song is named Tasty, summing up all the kai they eat in the video.
what did you like about the song? how it changes from english to maori/
what did you like about the video? How its about a day at the beach
Translation from some of the lyrics? Kalega/ tasty

Poi e

Who preformed this? in this video poi e was preformed by the cast of 'boy'
Why did they create this? .Poi e is a staple in New zealand culture.
what did you like about the song? Whats not to like
what did you like about the video? How all of the community is a part of the dance.

Translation from some of the lyrics? E rere ra e taku poi poro-titi
Ti-taha-taha ra whaka-raru-raru e
Poro-taka taka ra poro hurihuri mai

Rite tonu ki te ti wai waka e\

I'm running my bicycle poi
One-way problem-solving is
Pocket-shaped ball rotation

It's like that of which waka

The boy in striped pajama's

What are we learning: To connect text to real life.
How does this show my learning: I have created a book review.
What could I improve on: the depth I went into ( I was running out of time).
I am wondering: what other books has this author written.

This is a book review I wrote for the boy in stripped pajama's for social studies. Warning, spoilers ahead.

The boy in striped pajamas book review.

The boy in striped pajamas is set in 1943 and follows the story of nine-year-old Bruno,
the son of a German commander
. Bruno’s life was happy,
a normal nine year old boy living in a house he loves and playing with his good friends until ‘the fury’
( Hitler) visited his father and ordered him to leave so he could work a new job in Poland.
The story starts off innocent until the first twist in the plot appears, changing how we see the world in the main character's perspective. The shift in emotions and setting starts the ever changing plot of ‘The boy in striped pajamas’.

Bruno, oblivious to the fact he lives in Poland, finds a fence shortly after moving in to his new home in ‘out with’.
Behind this fence sat a boy his age in ‘striped pajamas’
. If the reader wasn’t informed of the Jewish holocaust they would be as naive as Bruno.
The boys befriend each other and a new friendship begins, one that is not permitted to exist. The concept of a forbidden friendship entices the reader and keeps them hooked until the final pages.

When lice eggs are found in the family’s hair, Bruno has his hair shaved off… When he sees Shmuel he realized he would blend in over the fence. Shmuel's father goes missing and Bruno crawls under the fence to help look for him, being the kind friend he is. It is in the final pages that the narrative takes a turn; we are left wondering what happened on the other side of the fence…

The boy in striped pajamas hooks you in, keeps you wondering then hits you hard in the final pages.

Diffusion ( potassium pemaganate)

We are learning :about diffusion and convection in science today. We have two experiments to complete. I have worked with Chloe on this experiment. She is a very cleaver learner so click the link to see her blog.
How does this show my learning: I have completed two experiments and recorded my observations.
How could I improve: Take more photos.
What am I wondering: If this experiment would work with other substances.
Experiment: Petrie dish
We are placing a single potassium permaganate crystal in a pertie dish full with water and watching it diffuse.

Observations: The colour moved very slowly through the water.
Reason: there was less space between water particles.

Experiment: Heating up a beaker with water and potassium permaganate.

1. set up Bunsen burner on heat proof mat.
2. fill a 200ml beaker with 150 ml of cold water.\
3. pace on tripod over Bunsen burner.
4. carefully drop in a crystal of potassium permaganate using a straw. 
5. watch the crystal diffuse.

Observations: The potassium permaganate diffused much quicker in the warm water than the cold.
Reasons: the heat makes the water particles drift apart, giving more room for the colouring to move through the water.

Thursday 3 May 2018


For music class we were tasked with reading about matariki and making an info graphic about the information we have found out. I am happy with my work and hope you learn something new.

What were we learning: we are learning about matariki.
How does this show my learning: I have created an infographic based on my understanding of the information.
What could I improve on: I could improve on my visual skills.
I am wondering: Is Matariki celebrated in other cultures.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

word vommit

Gran used to sit in the dirt and feel the earth cascade from her fingers when she picked it up,
the bottom of her blue shawl gathering dust. Her grey hair was a river,
swimming down her neck and back.
The scars on her cheeks mark her past,
the witch's bridle which tore apart her tongue and made her mute.
Her scars looked as if she had cried acid tears.
She could never tell the stories of her past life as a witch,
her spells and charms dead, and her tongue mutilated.