
Tuesday 25 June 2019

Magnesium burning underwater

Today in science we tried an experiment. This experiment was watching mg (magnesium) burn under water. Unfortunately the mg only burned for a split second when put under water.

Here is an experiment of magnesium burning in air. As you can see, it creates a very bright light when burning.

Why is it that magnesium creates such a bright light: The main reason that it burns so brightly is that when it ignites, it becomes extremely hot. Mg meets O2 and creates MgO which gives off heat and heats with the mg metal. This reaction's speed varies according to the temp of the gas fire. The hotter the gas fire, the quicker the reaction and the quicker the mg burns.

If the variables all work with you, the burning Mg can even burn in water. See below ( this is not my experiment it belongs to scitube )

How come the burning magnesium stays burning in the water? 'To my knowledge, neither of these metals "burn" underwater. The word burn generally suggests that something reacts with oxygen. As others have stated above, these very active metals will react with water by displacing hydrogen as H2. The hydrogen definitely will react with oxygen assuming that enough heat is evolved to start the reaction (very likely for sodium, less so for magnesium).ChemProfMatt

To me this means that it still reacts with the oxygen in the water and turns the hydrogen into H2. The reacting of the oxygen and mg ( MgO) keeps the mixture hot enough for the magnesium to stay burning.

Monday 17 June 2019

Skellig critical literacy

Skellig is a novel written by the author David Almond, published in 1998. The novel follows a young boy named Michael who meets an angel in his garage. Michael has a baby sister who is very sick and a Mum who is always in hospitable with the baby.

What genre does this text belong to? So far in the book the story seems like a science fiction. The idea of an angel also gives the text a hint of religious ideas. The book seems like a science fiction because of a mythical creature and his relationship ( not romantic!) with the protagonist. This is also a tale of friendship between Michael and Mina.

What do the images suggest? A very common image/ motif in the text is birds. This is found in the sentences about blackbirds in each chapter, the road Michael and his family live on ( falcon road), Mina's obsession with birds, the question about shoulder blades and of course, the angel in the garage. One of the ideas these images suggest is evolution. Evolution in constantly brought up with Mina through conversations about dinosaurs and how they evolved into birds and other creatures. Another idea these images suggest is that humans once had wings. This is brought up in the conversation about shoulder blades. These conversations include questions about why humans have shoulder blades.

How are children, young adults and adults constructed in this text? Adults in this text are constructed as' clueless' because they are unaware of what the protagonist is doing. Michael's dad is 'clueless' because he has absolutely no idea what Michael is up to. He tells Michael to stay out of the garage and thinks he does. Children aren't brought up much in the text and the best example of children is the baby who is sick and helpless. Finally, young adults/ teenagers are the only ones who know what is going on with Skellig. The story is told through Michael's perspective and suggests that only him and Mina know what is happening. Even leaky and coot do not know about Skellig.

Monday 10 June 2019

Class Essay Macbeth

What I have been learning:
Golden: Gather ideas, organise ideas, link paragraphs, enabling phrases, neat and tidy ( this part is just to finish the acronym).
(Lady Macbeth


-Determined- smashes babies -13
-Manipulative- called her husband a girl because he didn’t want to commit regicide.-7
-Brave- she was willing to kill the king and clean up the act-10
-Remorseful- she was haunted by guilt and died.’out damn spot’-6
-loving -6

The best
-Determined- smashes babies
-Loving - she still loves and cares for Macbeth

-Remorseful- she was haunted by guilt and died.’out damn spot’-6)

How have I been learning it: as a class we used our new skills to create a practise essay to prepare us for our actual essay.
 Why have I been learning it: To prepare us for future essays and give us skills. To learn how to go about writing an essay.

What have I been learning: How to structure a paragraph. (There are many strong, formidable female characters in literature but none quite compare to Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth. She had several qualities which made audiences like, dislike or admire her. Admired qualities which helped us understand the text include determination, love for macbeth and her remorse.)

How have I been learning it: We have been working as a class on the structure, content and linking of a paragraph.
Why have I been learning this: paragraphs are used very often in school work and in future life. Knowing how to write a paragraph will help me in the long run because it is a necessary skill to have.

What have I been learning: how to use evidence in a paragraph.
“ Out damn spot, out I say” , one of the most famous lines in literature, was a quote by Shakespeare which shows us Lady macbeth’s slow descent into madness due to guilt and remorse.
How I have been learning it: We have been using quotes from a certain text. We have also been using examples such as summary of a part of the text to strengthen the essay.
Why have I been learning this: Using evidence to strengthen your point can be useful in many different writing genres. It also shows how well you know the text you are referring to.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Crittique of art work so far

So far this semester in art we are working on making a magazine page. Me and Kerri are working together and our theme is friendship.
We are learning to use composition and leading lines to attract our eye to a certain part of the art. Our inspiration is Michael Mew.

This is my drawing of the native new Zealand bird pipiwhauroa . This will be a part of the collage. I think the head is disproportionate to the rest of the body but other than that the drawing is alright.
I am happy with the shading and colouring.
I think the foot is drawn a little weird but it will be alright.

This is what I have been working on in photoshop. The picture is from a swamp in the cantabury region. I have separated it for the effect of using it to attract the eyes lower. Hornby was a swamp land so this ties in to the Hornby theme.

I like the way I have used blanking out parts of the image to direct our focus elsewhere.

The Manuka is a native tree which is found in swamp land. The white represents purity and and the symmetry  of the petals represents unity.
I like how I cut the flower out.
I am planning to layer the bird on top.