
Thursday 31 October 2019

Persuasive writing: Movies are better than books.

Topic: Books are better than movies.

Your imagination is needed.
Better learning.
Can go into more detail.

Books have been a part of our lives for centuries, teaching us valuable lessons about our own world whilst including us in another's. Books are better than movies because they need your imagination, increases your learning ability and can provide more detail about the plot and characters. These points and others alike show how books are superior to movies.

Books entice us because they need our mind for the story to work. The author can build worlds using beautiful language but we are the ones imagining how this would be. What entices us about book characters is how we can imagine them to be the most relate-able to us. This relate-ability  makes us emotionally invested in these characters and makes us feel what they feel. We are invested in the fate of these characters, making the story better and more intriguing. Using our imagination to relate to these characters is how authors can keep us invested in their stories, wanting to know what happens. Not only do books make characters more relate-able, they help increase our knowledge and learning.

We will never stop learning, letting our minds grow with more knowledge. Books are some of the best ways to increase learning. When reading a book, our minds learn knew ideas, language features and increase our reading comprehension. " A mind needs books like a sword needs whetstone" is a quote from George RR Martian in his book 'A storm of swords', explaining that literature is vital to keeping our brains healthy and sharp. Despite the ability to make a world more personal or our knowledge of our own more in-depth, often books can not stimulate the senses to the extent movies can.

Movies stimulate our senses and make us want to keep watching, hooking us in with action filled fighting scenes or using clever camera shots to convey symbolic messages. Many people love the way movies can make us laugh, fill us with fear or make us sympathise with a character. 'The Handmaids tale' shows how camera shots can be used to send messages or convey emotions. Keeping the handmaids on the edges of the shot shows how they are oppressed and overlooked, non important slaves to the new world. They seem to be pushed out of the shot, or low down to show how little is thought them. Many of the shots are also extremely close to the protagonist's face, making us feel as restrained and claustrophobic as she is. These are examples of how the shots convey the oppression and helplessness of the handmaids. Despite using visual tricks to push messages, movies can seldomly go into as much detail as books, making it harder to entice the audience with just the plot.

When a book is converted to a movie or show, many parts of the plot are left out or changes, to make the story faster and more simple. This is because movies and t.v shows have to keep your attention through the story, they no longer have the tool of the viewers imagination to keep them hooked. 'Game of thrones is an excellent example. When the ' A song of fire and ice' books by George RR Martian were converted to the HBO show 'Game of thrones' many plot points such as Tyrion's experience in Essos or the full extent of Danerys's experience in Quarth were discarded. This made the show quicker but missed out on some character development, as well as certain characters as a whole. Books can explore more plot points because they have the time to, compared with a movie with easily can lose an audience after the two hour mark. Once a reader is invested in a story,we are hooked in. The author can take as much time as needed to include more about it, making it more complex and interesting. This allows authors to have a more complex story, showing greater skill and encouraging a wider audience.

In conclusion, books are better than movies because they use the readers imagination and emotion to get them invested in the story, encourage more learning through language and symbolism and can go into more depth about their story.

I am planning to improve in sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.
Sentence structure: included a shorter paragraph where I felt I could.
Spelling: double checked a work which I wasn't sure was spelt right.
Punctuation: Checked through and corrected some incorrect puntuation

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